Saturday, February 19, 2011

Blogs: Who cares?

I decided to start a blog again. This time I am bit older, have a bit more experience about the things I write about and what to write about. From the last blog I had I learned that the most read and useful posts were usually tutorials and how to do things.  I will try to keep in that tradition and give insight about things I have learned the hard way so incase anyone decides to search for it they might find what small grain of truth I have come across. 

Why Dumb Robot? To answer that I should start with my last blog, the blog was named after the school of thought I had while I was in DC finishing my econ degree. A lot has changed since then. Currently, I live in San Francisco, work as the QA manager at an ad agency, and getting ready to race motorcycles for a season and hack away on startup ideas as I get them or when I have time. 

Last year when I ran Bay to Breakers I decided to do something a bit crazy and went running as the Silver Surfer. It was awesome people were cheering me on "Silver Surfer!", "Silver Guy!" and then one guy yelled "Dumb Robot!". That to me and my friends was about as funny as it got! So the name has stuck. 

Hope you may find something of value here.


Justice League!

Silver Surfer

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